By Super User on Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Category: Useful Topics

Homepage: How Google Analytics 4 Works

In October 2020, Google launched a new version of the most popular tool for monitoring and analyzing website traffic - Google Analytics 4 (GA4). The old analytics model (Google Universal Analytics) ends on July 1, 2023, and after this date data monitoring and analysis on the old version stops. Old data will be archived and available for the next 6 months.

How does analytics work?

The basic task of analytics is to collect and analyze data about the behavior of website visitors, and some of the data we can analyze are: 

How does GA4 work?

It is certain that the new version of analytics will continue to perform these tasks but in a slightly different way. GA4 focuses on gathering data about events, which provides more detailed monitoring and analysis of users on the website. It is possible to track clicks on specific buttons, product reviews, video file reviews, file download tracking, and the like.

An important segment is the harmonization of data on multiple platforms such as websites and mobile applications, which means that it is possible to track users on all channels within a single entity. Google Universal Analytics was focused on tracking website traffic.

Google Analytics 4 will provide better integration with Google Ads, where more detailed tracking of users coming from paid promotion on Google Search and the Google Display network is possible, as well as which ad gave better performance and how users behave after clicking on the ad.

A powerful combination for detailed optimization - GA4 and artificial intelligence

As the use of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) is increasingly present, Google has also applied AI in its new version of the tracking tool with the help of machine learning, with the aim of providing users with the best and most advanced functionality as well as a better understanding of user behavior on the website or application. .

The use of artificial intelligence opens the possibility for more detailed, accurate and automated data collection and analysis by being able to provide suggestions for optimization based on the collected information about the interests and behavior of users within the website or application.

Source: Homepage 

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