Important elements of any website that you need to pay attention to
When planning your web projects, it is necessary to take into account that the project has certain elements that represent essential items of each project. Some of them are technical rules, some concern design elements, while some are related to the content on your website.
Choose a domain and hosting
Following your plans for the number of planned visits to your website, it is necessary to choose the appropriate type of web hosting. A smart choice of hosting is crucial because later problems can arise if you take hosting that does not correspond to the number of visits to your site, there can be a traffic jam, and thus a loss of customers. You can find more details about the choice of hosting on our page about the types of hosting. When it comes to choosing a domain, it is very important that the name of your domain corresponds to your business, that it is easy to remember and that it has the appropriate extension.
Responsive Design
One of the important elements today for your web project is to be responsive, more precisely for the display of site content to be adapted to all devices such as laptops, tablets and especially mobile phones. And why a phone in particular? According to global statistics, visits from mobile phones are much higher compared to all other devices. At the same time, Google, as one of the most important items in the ranking on its pages, also has the condition that the website has a customized display for mobile devices.
SSL certificate
Having an ssl certificate is also one of the essential elements that Google takes into consideration when ranking web pages. It is especially necessary on websites that are of the sales type or sites where it is necessary for visitors to leave some personal information. Also visitor's general impression is much greater and they feel safer if the website has SSL certificate.
Search engines
One of the most important things is that your web project to be visible on search engines, so it is necessary to sign in to these services. Google currently uses the Search Console to sign in to web pages.
Photography and Video
Also important elements are quality photos and videos. These elements play an important role, to leave a better impression on the website visitor, because the first few seconds during the website visit are crucial, to keep his attention. And not only that, but with quality photos and videos, your site looks more competitive and serious. If you do not have this type of material, see our recommendation of quality sites with free photo and video content.
Textual content
Like other elements, unique textual content also plays a very important role in the quality of your website and in addition plays a significant role in search engine optimization. Google extremely loves websites with original textual content. Google always gives preference to sites that have quality textual content. If you are not able to write them yourself, find someone from your area to write the original text for you.
Social Networks
If you run accounts on social networks that are related to the theme of your website, it would be good to link them, to share your site content on networks. And also is important that each of your content on the site can be shared on visitors' network profiles.
Tracking visits
If you have a site for a company, you have throwing money, first in the site itself then in maintenance, and there is advertising. it is perfectly fine that you want to see and measure the results. Google Analytics is a free and good solution with which you can track what is happening on your site when it comes to visits, where people come from and most importantly where they leave your site. If you create the site yourself, keep in mind that you need to open a Google Analytics account and link it to the site. If someone else is creating the site for you, please emphasize that you want to use Google Analytics and need to link it to the site.
About page
The About page is also one of the essential elements, as it provides a brief overview of you, your business, products and makes you present yourself to your visitors in the right way. If you have it, gives additional confidence in the seriousness and credibility of both your website and your entire business.
Contact form
The contact form is a bridge between the visitors of your site and you. It is important to allow visitors to ask additional questions, get information or communicate with you via the Web forms .Also In addition to the communication you have with potential customers, you will get the opportunity to perform newsletter campaign, with those who have left their email addresses via the web form.

What is SSL, and what is its role on the Web? - Blog

What is hosting and which type to choose for a web project? - Blog

What is a domain and how to choose the right one - Blog
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