Business page on Social Networks or website


Many business owners ask, "Since I have a small business with a small workforce, and since we don't sell anything online, do I need a website?"

The answer is YES!

If you have a business, you should have a website to avoid losing business to competitors that already have one.

It is often the case that companies or individuals who want their business to take advantage of the Internet opt for a business page on Facebook or Instagram. And they don't want to have a website because as they say "Everyone is on Instagram or Facebook" while others say, "I have a website, networks are more for fun, I won't spend time and money there". It is often a question of a million dollars what is better.

The answer is that it depends on what activity they perform and which audience they address. However, the sure answer is that if they want good results on the Internet, they need to have BOTH.

The only dilemma may be which network is appropriate with the site,  which network can reach the desired target audience.

We will cite one example in which the sale of wedding dresses in Belgrade is determined, whose products are offered only on Instagram. So there is a business page that offers wedding dresses on Instagram and has a large number of followers of followers, with numerous models. Although the page is full of followers, sales are going poorly, and why… Maybe because Instagram is a platform for pictures and videos and 90 percent of visitors do not need to buy a wedding dress, but follow the page because he wants to keep up to date with current models, materials and more…

While nothing is happening on Instagram, Google has 10,000 monthly searches only for the keywords "Wedding Dresses Belgrade". Signs of those who want to buy a wedding dress are searched on Google. If you do not own a site but only Instagram, you are automatically disqualified, and all the effort invested only on Instagram will be absolutely unprofitable, or will have much less positive end results.

Another example is, that you have a site that is an informant of the offer of tourist services in Montenegro and you offer various tourist services through that site without using social networks. On Google, the offer of similar or the same services is enormous even if we exclude services such as booking and similar world leaders in this field.

While you are fighting with hundreds of other services on the Web with the help of advertisements, you can promote your services to exactly the audience that interests you. Through advertisements on social networks, you can choose the location of the audience and get the perfect answer to your advertisement in an extremely high-quality way to an audience that belongs to, for example, international punics, who are interested in traveling to Montenegro or stay more often.

In addition, if you know how to interest them in quality content with stories, pictures, videos, promotions, visits to your site will grow over time. And if you have decided only to be based on the site and search, it is almost impossible to get results in this area.

So without any dilemma, the combination of a website and a business page on one of the social networks (depending on your business) can bring you great benefits because they complement each other and make your offer more complete and wider for a larger audience. At the same time, you are becoming much more competitive and serious.

It should be noted that according to world research, 3 out of 4 customers who choose where to buy the desired product and service must reach for research on Internet search engines.  

There are many reasons for the need for a website, and only some of them are:

- A website builds trust and makes you a credible choice
- Almost all customers explore their options on the Internet before opting for the service
- Customers will be able to find answers and contact you with ease
- a wider range of tool options and opportunities for better presentation of the service
- Your competition certainly has a website
- 75% of users admit that they judge the credibility of the company based on the design of the website
- 3 out of 4 customers who choose where to buy the desired product and service must reach for research on Internet search engines
- A website is essential for use in digital marketing
- it is possible to monitor the habits of your customers and your performance on the site
- Unlike social media sites, you are the absolute owner of your site while you are not online
- Social network administrators sometimes cancel the existence of certain pages while only you are wondering on your site
- With the site you are visible on search engines
- If you have a blog with interesting and original content, you will have significant visits from search engines

Do I Need a Website if I Have a Facebook Page?

It's common for businesses to rely on Facebook or other social media platforms as their main advertisement channel. And these channels offer advantages.

For example, they help build a larger audience and even help you carry out market research. However, a Facebook page should not replace your business website. Here are some reasons why.

1. You Don't Own Your Facebook Page

What happens if, one morning, Facebook decides that it won't support businesses anymore? If your Facebook page were your sole online presence, all the clients and followers you built would likely disappear.

In fact, not too long ago, Facebook was down globally, causing moments of frenzy.

And while it's doubtful Facebook will stop supporting businesses, you don't have any say in the changes Facebook chooses to implement. However, with your website, you have total control over your websites' appearance and features.

2. Facebook Has SEO Limitations

Think about it. Where do you go when looking for a business locally? Facebook or Google? The 3.5 billion daily queries on Google show that most people turn to search engines over social networks to find information.

A business website allows you to position yourself so people will find you when they make search queries concerning the products you sell or the services you provide. Even if you can easily compete with larger websites, you can optimize your site for local searches to attract an audience in your area.

3. A Website is More Credible

A business website is a badge of trust, and people only buy from businesses they know, like, and trust. So while it might be quicker to create a Facebook page, you would be able to command more authority and trust with a business website.

4. Attention is Fleeting on Facebook

Facebook is massively competitive. Having your business listed on Facebook means that you're constantly fighting off competition from several other companies.

What's more, you have to compete with your potential client's Facebook friends. Many people find advertisements annoying, especially when they want to interact with friends, making them ignore your business posts or ads.

On the other hand, a business website ensures that you have a potential client's full attention. So while you might do some legwork to get them over to your website, once they're on your website, the chances of patronage are higher.

Now, we aren't saying you shouldn't have a Facebook page for your business. But, instead, your Facebook page and other social media should support your website—not replace it. 

A site combined with a business page on one of the social networks

- You get visitors to your business from many sides
- It is easier to reach the niche you aspire to
- make your business more serious and professional in the eyes of visitors
- You promote your products and services through content from sites that you share online
- Increase traffic to your site with paid ads on social networks
- Offer suggestions and solutions in online groups related to your area and thus open the door to new customers
Paid ads target only those audiences that suit your interests, location, and other characteristics
- with interesting and creative textual, photo and video content, you increase the desire for followers from social networks to want to come to your site and learn more about your services.
- if you have some content on the site that is viral and it is shared from your site and your profile to other profiles and networks, you will understand how important the connection of the website and business pages on social networks  


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