SEO basics of ranking on Google


SEO is an abbreviation of the word Search Engine Optimization, which means every action that is performed on and off the site with the aim of better ranking of the site on search engines for certain areas and keywords. This process improves organic search engine visibility and free search results.

There are numerous types of search engines in the world. In addition to Google, there are search engines such as ASK, then Baidu, which is the primary search engine in China, Yandex, which is the most represented search engine in Russia, of course the indispensable Yahoo and Bing, as well as the increasingly interesting and used search engine Dack Dack go. This browser is increasingly in use because it does not save the so-called visit history of its users, which is not the case with other browsers.

Google search statistics

Current statistics show that the Google search engine in the world holds over 90 percent of the world's share of online Internet searches. On average, about 63,000 searches are performed every second on Google. While the average Internet user searches on Google 3 to 4 times a day, according to official research data.

For an easier understanding of the elements that affect SEO, it is necessary to get acquainted with some basic elements about the way of ranking websites and their terminology, so we will also deal with them briefly.

Google boot or googlerobot is a crawler system tool that is designed to imitate the user of a certain site, to scan its technical and content aspects and submit the data scan to Google, which, based on that information and numerous algorithms and criteria, performs site ranking on the browser.

Google's ranking systems are made up of a series of algorithms. In order to present the most useful results to users, the algorithms analyze many factors, such as the words in the search query, the relevance and usability of the pages, the expertise of the source, location, settings. The importance of each factor depends on the query itself.

The Google robot analyzes over 200 elements on your site, and it is not a rare case that the algorithms used for ranking change often, sometimes even at the monthly level. nivou.

SERP is an abbreviation of Search engine page result, which in the trailer represents the results that are listed on the SERP page when you enter the desired term or word in the search. It is important to note that one organic SERP consists of a set of paid ads and organic search results. Some of the important elements of SERP and also later extremely important elements for site optimization from search engines

SERPS are made up of organic results and organic results have 3 important elements

1. Title - the title of the result

2. URL - page link

3. Metadescription - page description


The title tag is one of the most important elements of the ranking factor, and it is located in the code of your page. It does not have to be visible to the co-user on the page but is used as a title to display the title of your page in the browser

The Meta Description includes a description of your site that Google considers a ranking factor. It is printed under the Title tag of your page in the browser. This description is very important from the visitor's point of view because one of the key factors is whether the visitor will actually choose your site. It may happen in some situations that Google withdraws this description from some other textual content on the site if Google considers it more relevant.

SEO division

There are several divisions that divide the village into areas, all of them are more or less similar, and we will divide these areas in the way they are most often divided, so we will divide them into 3 areas

On page SEO includes a number of visible and invisible elements on the site that need to be paid attention to during optimization. As for the search engines and their bots that scan the site, they look at as many as 200 elements on the site that affect search engine rankings.
So, some of the basic elements are Title Tag, H1, H2 tags, metadescription, site architecture, site URL structure, quality of text content, site speed, appearance for mobile devices and many other factors that we will deal with in detail in a separate text.

Off Page SEO means all those elements that are located indirectly outside the framework of the site but are partly related to the site. Some of those elements are links, social networks, market, shareable multimedia content, locations, reviews, sponsored ads, influencer marketing...

Local SEO is the process of optimizing a business, product or service for a search query related to a location. Google (and other search engines) use the user's location based on IP address (for computers) and geolocation (for mobile devices) to determine what results to display to the user. So when someone performs a local search for a dentist, car wash, or locksmith, the search engine will display local businesses relevant to their location.

One of the most important tools in this area is Google My Business, which displays the requested activities through a list of companies for a specific area and detailed information about them. For this reason, local SEO is very important for those who do business at the local level. So, basically, local SEO refers to keywords that are related to the requested activity in a certain geographic location. 

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