What is hosting and which type to choose for a web project?


If you have your own website or plan to have one you have certainly come across the term web hosting. Web hosting is a service that is located on remote servers and has the role of storing your website, which from the moment it is hosted becomes visible on the Internet. Of course, another basic component that, in addition to web hosting, makes your web project visible is the domain or address of the site.

Hosting consists of a server operating system and a control panel that contains numerous tools and functions to easily adapt to user needs. Since the entire website is stored on a hosting account.Hosting need to be fast, reliable and supportive. And all the services for your website needed to function normally. You also need a web hosting that offers enough bandwidth (in other words, the amount of visits to your site that you are allowed within the flow) and disk space (the amount of space needed to store all the files on your website). When creating a website, hosting agencies usually provide hosting services, but in some cases you need to decide on one of the hosting types yourself. Currently, some of them that are most used are:

Shared Hosting

VPS Hosting

WordPress Hosting

Dedicated Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting is the most basic type of Web hosting. It is cost-effective and the best choice for small web projects or beginner levels. As the name implies, websites that share hosting will share resources with other websites on a single server. This type of hosting supports the ability to own multiple websites in one place, but they will share the resources of this hosting at that time. So if you want to have smaller websites on your shared hosting such as blogs, small businesses sites, mini stores, landing pages, this is the right hosting for you. If the monthly visits to your site would not exceed a visit of more than 10,000 to 20,000 visitors per month.

VPS hosting

VPS stands for "virtual private server". This type of hosting is a step above shared web hosting. When a website outgrows its shared hosting, it is common for owners to upgrade to VPS. With a virtual private server, your website will still share a single server with other websites. However, the number of sites you will share it with is much smaller. The main server is divided into multiple virtual servers. Websites with large files like videos and images should keep in mind the VPS. Interactive web pages with complex files will work better on a VPS as opposed to a shared server.

WordPress hosting

Simply, WordPress hosting is basically web hosting that is optimized for the WordPress CMS platform. WordPress hosting plans also come with one-click WordPress installations. WordPress hosting usually has additional security that is specifically designed for websites that run on WordPress. Because WordPress CMS is the most widely used worldwide, these websites pose a higher risk of cybercrime. So extra security is definitely a big advantage.

Dedicated hosting

Dedicated servers are the pinnacle of Web hosting. As the name implies, you will have a dedicated server that belongs to you. This is the most expensive type of web hosting, but it comes with additional benefits. Since you will not share resources or anything else with other websites, your website will function at top performance. Websites hosted on a dedicated server have complete technical control over server settings. You choose the software, configurations and everything else you need. No need to consider a dedicated server if your website is not visited by 100,000 monthly visitors. Large e-commerce sites and businesses should consider a dedicated hosting plan because they can have complete control over the functions of their server. Sites that require the highest level of security, such as sites that store financial or medical data, will benefit from a dedicated server.

Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting or cloud hosting is a newer type of web hosting. It can best be described as a hybrid version of the VPS, but more cost effective. Cloud hosting plans come from multiple remote servers. Each server has different responsibilities. If one of the servers is compromised or has problems, the other servers on the network will take those responsibilities and collect all the data. Cloud hosting is the best option for sites of medium and large companies that are developing rapidly. If the traffic on your website is unpredictable and you plan to scale it constantly in the coming months or years, then you should consider a cloud hosting plan. Any website with more than 50,000 visits per month could consider cloud hosting. 


How to decide which hosting package is right for you?

There are a number of factors that can be relevant to the choice of hosting. The type of server you choose will affect elements such as performance, security, scalability, and the level of management of your websites. The type of website and the amount of traffic you will receive should be the main conditions that will influence your decision on choosing a web hosting option. For example, a small personal blog with 5,000 visitors per month will have different hosting needs than a large e-commerce website with 250,000 visits per month. 

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